The Importance Of Curriculum Adaptation In Education

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Part One
Every child is different and every child can learn. Different children learn on their own level and through different mediums. As teachers we should know each and every child’s needs. As teachers we should find out what works for the children in your class and find creative ways to bring those ideas into your lessons.
Our schools today are educating the largest, most diverse student population ever, to higher standards than ever before. In order to meet the diversity we have talked about, there is a need for “adaptations” of the regular curriculum, involving organizational modifications in the goals and contents (2015).
Inclusive classroom needs teachers to cater for different student learning needs through the modification or differentiation of the curriculum. So Curriculum adaptation is an ongoing dynamic process that modifies and adapts the prescribed program of studies to meet the learning requirements of a student with special needs.
Curriculum modification involves change to a range of educational components in a curriculum, such as content knowledge, the method of instruction, and student 's learning outcomes, through the modification of materials for diverse student needs. For example: Using different visual aids, enlarge text, plan more concrete examples, provide hands-on activities, place students in cooperative groups, pre-teach key or terms before the lesson.
As a teacher, we should carry out many aspects of the student’s individual plan. We need to