Gender Discrimination In Coeducational Schools

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Discrimination is an element that has been reintroduced into the education system. As Title IX established in 2006, publically funded educational institutions are required to provide students with equal opportunities for education without consideration of sex (Title IX, 2015, para. 2). While the amendment grants fair education to all United States citizens, some schools believe that combining males and females in the classroom has become a hindrance to students’ learning capabilities. Thus, certain educational establishments have created exclusively male and female schools, resembling the historical equivalent of only-male schools. Although some educational institutions have attempted to segregate students by sex, coeducational institutions …show more content…

Coeducational institutions provide students with the assets necessary to excel in a future workplace and professional setting. They prepare students for their future workplaces by giving them necessary experience working with the opposite sex. Professor Halpern accounted, “‘Children are going to live in a world that’s far more diverse than ever before – they are going to have to interact with females and males, they are going to have to understand that sometimes the girls are going to outscore the boys and that sometimes the boys will outscore the girls...’” (Tufvesson, 2016, para.5). The reality of the future workplace includes males and females interacting in the same environment, disregarding one’s personal preference. Teaching students that gender does not determine one’s ability to succeed in any particular field is also crucial for personal development. This can be seen in an article from Arizona State University: “Girls in coeducational schools have made impressive strides in all areas of math and science in recent decades, as gender stereotypes are declining among parents, teachers, and students themselves. Despite popular belief, there is little evidence that removing boys from the campus or classroom improves girls’ math and science skills” (ACCES, n.d., para. 21). Modern education has shown impressive results in the growth of females in predominantly-male fields. However, primary and secondary education should focus on encouraging students and identifying extraordinary skills, regardless of the students’