There is something we all carry almost everywhere with us that means a lot to us. It can either be a tangible object or something intangible like bitterness or a secret. We may or may not like what we carry everywhere with us but we still do. I carry keys with me. The key that is most important to me is the key to my truck. I carry the key with me because I need it to be able to drive my truck. The key also comes with responsibility. Without responsibility I would not be able to have a truck. I had to work hard to be able to pay for the truck. I would never want to give it up because of how hard I have worked for it. If I gave it up I would not be able to get places on my own and would have to rely on my parents again. It was my choice to get a truck. …show more content…
I also wanted to be able to get to places without having to have my parents drive me. I also wanted to be able to run a business, which is the other thing that I carry. I wanted the truck to be able to haul my equipment around. You learn a lot running a business but the most important thing is to never give up. You have to believe in yourself even when it may seem impossible. The best thing about running your own business is that you can set your own hours and choose how much work you want to do. …show more content…
I get to choose what time I start working. I am even able to take a day off of work without any problems. When I am working I am happy and do not feel like I am doing too much work for not enough money. I would never want to get a basic job like working at a fast food