The Importance Of Economic Independence

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2.3 Economic Independences The evolution of the United States and China relationship is seen as one of the most important determinants of 21th century world politics. The United States and China as the largest and second largest economies in the world and play an important roles in the stability of the global economy. During the last 30 years of China economic growth, the political influence of China has also increased in the world. Nowadays, state have increased their interaction amongst each other, especially economic relations. The economic interactions between states have become more interconnected as globalization has increased recognized in the world economy. From the perspective of international relations theory, there are three reasons to explain why economic interdependence among countries will facilitate stability and peace among countries. First, states’ primary goals are to promote economic prosperity and maintain international peace, which can be achieved through economic exchange and interdependence. Second, the costs of wars will increase due to bilateral economic interdependence. Third, most of the states will be harmed by any major international conflicts, and oppose this kind of conflicts with greater interdependence of global financial, trade, and other economic relations, (Copeland, 1998., Zacher & Matthew, 1995., Dunne, 1997). The developing economic strategies toward China as a very important foundation for the United States. The United States

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