Leadership In Education

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Education is professed as the most significant tool for social transformation and as such educational leadership needs to be a positive force in transforming societies in a rapidly changing world. It further unraveled how educational leadership impacts on social transformation. Educational leadership was discussed in the light of roles and responsibilities, leadership and values, leadership as influence, leadership and vision towards social transformation. It has been noted that to complete these tasks, it is essential for a leader to work and communicate with other stakeholders, including staff, industrial personnel, students and families of the students. University performance benefits from a collaborative approach to leadership, which includes …show more content…

In this changing, global environment, it is argued that leadership holds the answer not only to the success of individuals and organisations, but also to sectors, regions and nations. Leadership is engrossed in an intricate, vibrant, and interactive web (Hunt etal. 2013). Perceptions on leadership are as a result of nature of reality, stakeholder perspectives, and issues that have to do with levels-of-analysis. Leadership is a relational process that entails a combined action grounded in the shared values of people who work together to effect positive change in an institution (Higher Education Research Institute (HERI), 1996:16). Positive change refers to the betterment of others that is all stakeholders including lecturers, students, parents, the community, and the business community at large. According to Yuki (2002:3), leadership “involves a social influence process whereby intentional influence is exerted by one person (or group) over other people (or groups) to structure the activities and relationships in a group or organisation.” Research on leadership exposed that a leader is “not necessarily a person who holds some formal position of leadership or who is perceived as a leader by others,” but rather; a leader is the one who is able to effect positive change in the society (HERI:16). In the same vein, educational leadership entails working with lectures and other …show more content…

It has been noted that for there to be a social transformation, there is need for the educational leadership to see the end result of a vision that depicts the change (Leadership Paradigms). On this note, it is clear how educational leadership impacts on social change. All in Zimbabwe IHL whose thrust is on technological advancement have embraced this move by the ministry since it is from this pool of students they are going to draw their intakes from. In as far as the curriculum is concerned; schools have to align their subjects towards science technology, engineering, and mathematics which are seen to be the key drivers of the