Why Should We Protect Our Environment

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Today’s world is enormously different from what it was before development and industrialisation has occupied its toll on the world. Since the turn of the new era the issue of the environment has rapidly changed into a common issue which is really discussed all over the world. No longer are humans living in a world where the environment is peaceful or stable but much rather becoming unnatural and weakening before our eyes. The plants, trees and flowers are lives which God has created for us to enjoy their beauty but it is now merely up to us as well as many other organisations to protect preserve and respect how delicate our environment really is. The earth has been around a really long time. It has restored itself and taken care of itself after the ice ages, middle ages and any other ages you could think of. The problem is people and their greed. If you believe God made this world, then you know he is smart enough to build a world that does not need our help in …show more content…

There are also effects of pollution on animals. Acid rain which is formed in the air destroys fish life in lakes and streams. Ozone in the lower atmosphere may damage lung tissues of animals. Nutrient pollution affects the aquatic animals, and may cause death; nutrient pollution can also cause fish diseases. Chemical impurity can cause decays in frog biodiversity and tadpole bulk. Oil pollution can negatively affect development of marine organisms, increase susceptibility to disease and affect reproductive processes; can also cause gastrointestinal irritation, liver and kidney damage, and damage to the nervous system. Mercury present in water may cause abnormal behaviour, decaying growth rate and development. Persistent organic pollutants may cause deficiencies and death of fish life. Excessive sodium chloride which is ordinary salt in water may kill