Family Religiosity

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academic (Turner et al., 2009), and more importantly when it comes to having harmonious family relations.

Religiosity Religion has also been one of the factors associated to family functioning (Kaur & Arora, 2010; Cuskelly et al., 2007; Gupta & Singhal, 2004). In fact, family religiosity serves as a major indicator in family functioning according to parents who play an important role in instilling such (Vermeer, 2014; Regnerus & Burdette, 2006). Specifically, a family’s religiosity can be understood based on the parents’ religious upbringing or how they teach faith formation to their children (Vermeer, 2014). Emphasis was given to the authoritative parenting style (Vermeer, 2014; Regnerus & Burdette, 2006), which was linked to a positive …show more content…

They may even need other people to help in them in times of hardship (Sutton, 2010), and so the concept of social capital must be taken in consideration when one examines families, life and processes (Sutton, 2010; Fram, 2003). This study specifically recognizes James Coleman’s version of social capital. According to Coleman, social capital is a resource which people use to achieve collective interests (Winter, 2000) including “family values, norms, beliefs and culture” (Sutton, 2010, p. 28) and the nature and worth of relationship of people within and outside the family (e.g., neighbourhood, community, friends). Furthermore, Coleman associated social capital to all social relationships and network (Sutton, …show more content…

It can be by sharing knowledge to the family members and contributing to the needs of parents who provide care for children with condition (Ha et al., 2011; Iarskaia-Smirnova, 1999). Social support can also come in the form of having someone to help in decision-making, to lend money in an emergency situation, or simply to enjoy a free afternoon with (Fram, 2003). There are, however, both advantages and disadvantages in having social support. On one hand, it establishes friendship, promotes social participation (Hsiao, 2014; Fallon & Bowles, 1997), and lessens child-related stress on parental adaptation (Boyd, 2002; Ievers et al., 1998). On the other, the presence of social support emphasizes conformity and dependence on social relations (Fallon & Bowles,