Happiness And Self-Esteem

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High level of mental health increased both happiness and life health satisfaction. People with high level of mental health felt happy most of the time because feeling happy in your mind are as important as feeling happy in your body (Abedzadeha & Mahdian, 2014). The simple fact is that people want to feel pleasure and avoid pain. Happiness yields amazing outcomes such as self-esteem, self-regulation and social goals. However, would the ‘self’ be elevated and feel successful if he is in a state of fear? How may fear of happiness relate to one’s sense of ‘self’? This possible influence are the focus of this endeavour as it explores and explains the values between fear of happiness and the effecting self-esteem, self-regulation and social goals. …show more content…

It connotes one’s self-respect (Jan, Khan, Khan, Khan & Saif, 2015) exemplified in having attained something great about oneself or to some extent, the appraisal of an experience or situation. Self-esteem is found to be strongly related to happiness. People with high-self-esteem are more willing to speak up in groups and to collaborate in the group 's endeavour.
On the other hand, the more a person executes negative expectations, the more that his self-esteem is depleted. High self-esteem refers to a highly favourable global evaluation of the self while low self-esteem refers to an unfavourable definition of the self (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger & Vohs, 2003). Therefore, the more positive these thoughts and feelings of individual are, the higher his/her self-esteem will be. One’s state of happiness would predict such level of self-esteem one may possess …show more content…

Self-regulation appears to be a stable element requisite to guide behaviour in a given situation. In this study, self-regulation is viewed in the realm of impulse control and goal setting. As such, it can be seen as the voluntary control of attentional, emotional, and behavioural impulses in the service of personally valued goals and standards (Duckworth & Carlson, 2015). When one controls being expressive of happiness, his self-regulatory mechanism is inevitably affected as he hardly push himself, present his ideas for example or take a lead in any endeavour among