The Importance Of Health And Family Life Education

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Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) is a comprehensive life-skills based program which focuses on the development of the whole resilient person. It enhances the potential of young persons to become productive and contributing adults to society It fosters the development of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that make for healthy family life. It provides opportunities to demonstrate sound health related knowledge, attitudes and practices. It increases the ability to practice responsible decision making about social and sexual behavior. It aims to increase the awareness of children and youths of the fact that the choices they make in everyday life profoundly influence their health and personal development in (King-Cameron, 2017).
In 2006, …show more content…

It is important to teach HFLE because it seeks to empower students with the necessary life skills that will improve coping mechanisms and create a conducive environment for social, cognitive and emotional development. The foundations of these life-skills approaches rests on evidence that highlights where students have competencies in the use of effective life-skills. It can prevent or delay their onset of drug use, prevent high risk sexual behavior, facilitate anger management and conflict resolution, improve their academic performance, promote positive social adjustment thus creating a healthy school environment including developing skills for present and future use in a student life.
Life Skills Education focuses on the development of “abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that benefits individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. These benefits can be categorized into three …show more content…

Health and Family Life Education from Website on October 1st, 2017.
Health and Family Life Education (Mavis Fuller, 2017).
Health and Family Life Education Teacher Training Manual (UNICEF 2009), from Website .pdf retrieved on October 6th, 2017.
Implementing Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) at a Primary School In The North
Eastern Education District In Trinidad And Tobago: Teachers‟ Concerns (Phyllis Rigaud, 2011) From Website
/handle/2139/12710/ Phyllis%20Rigaud.pdf?sequence=1 retrieved on October 6th, 2017
Mihalic, S., Fagan, A. A. & Argamaso, S. (2008). Implementing the life skills training drug prevention program: Factors related to implementation fidelity. Implementation Science, 3 (5), 1-16.
The Importance of Life skills acquisition in Relation to Global Citizenship (Colleen King- Cameron, 2017).
Why are life skills important (Macmillan, 2016) from Website http://www.macmillan on October 1st,