Interaction Between Health And Social Care Essay

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The care process includes the interaction among doctor, patient and (healthcare) structure, which leads to two distinct processes: technical interventions (use of clinical care) and interpersonal interaction (humanism, sensitivity) among users and healthcare workers (Campbell et al, 2000). Moreover, in the same article the two dimensions of effectiveness are named as the following: clinical dimension and interpersonal care dimension. The service provider should attempt to perform the service in a convenient way, comforting and pleasing, as patients perceive these characteristics as indications of care (Donabedian, 1988). Donabedian (1988) underlined the importance of the relationship between doctor and patient, as patient and doctor can have …show more content…

A core of these is empathy, which is a multidimensional term linked to the perceived quality and may influence diagnostic accuracy. Furthermore, empathy may be more relevant than the care itself. In addition, illness is a private problem, oftentimes patients may be unwilling to reveal beliefs about sickness, in order not to be considered as unaware or under informed (Weinman & Petrie, 1997). Furthermore, two people can judge or perceive the same health issue (e.g. diabetes) in two different ways (e.g. catastrophic life-long illness vs. genetic condition) (Weinmann & Petrie, …show more content…

This includes the adoption of new behaviours (e.g. medication adherence) or lifestyle related changes (e.g. dieting) if needed. Group based patient empowerment program among diabetic patients improved self-efficacy and reduced blood sugar level (Romm, 1979). Successful behaviour change is the product of varying factors, such as perceived health and illness, or effective health communication from the professional side (Ong, Visser, Lammes & de Haes, 1999). This can be divided into two parts: to extract and discuss patient beliefs and to facilitate the patient to take control (Michie, Miles & Weinmann, 2003). According to Ong, and colleagues (1999) between oncologists and cancer patients, the most significant factor which could predict the patient`s quality of life and satisfaction were linked to the consultation quality. An interesting finding of this study is that patient-centeredness was adversely perceived result over the period of 3