Barriers To Intercultural Communication

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Introduction People have always been quite curious about the world spinning around itself without one’s help. Since ancient times, mankind has been trying to discover new places, spots, ideas and information so as to have more knowledge about this unknown place. Day by day, our desired goal is achieving because it is clear to see that people’s perspectives and ability to see the world is changing in such a way that we all are gaining awareness. Moreover, as no one can be isolated from the society because we are programmed in that way, sharing experiences and interactions that occur between cultures are inevitable. Philosophy, religion, language, the arts, and other aspects of culture has been spreading and mixing as nations exchanges products …show more content…

However, this intercommunication is not easy to happen so effortlessly due to the fact that there is great deal of obstacles to overcome. One of them is related to language and cultural differences. News, political statements, websites, movies, product literature, software, safety information, , gaming, customer support, and so much more now must be accessible to everyone in the world virtually instantly. The last barrier to that universal access is language. As Ferdinand de Saussure also mentioned, ‘In the lives of individuals and societies, language is a factor of greater importance than any other.’ Thus, in order to make communication easier, people came up with different solutions such as adopting ‘the unknown’ to their own cultures by translating the context. Translation and its related fields of localization, interpreting, globalization, and internationalization removes that barrier for billions of people worldwide and they have crucial impact on people’s lives …show more content…

To sum up, localization is not so much about specific tasks as much as it is about the processes by which products are adapted. What’s more, localization but one of a number of interdependent processes and cannot be completely without being contextualized in reference to them. There processes are referred to collectively by the acronym GILT (Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, Translation.) Globalization: It has two meanings: In general, it refers to the globalizing scope of the economy and of business activity. In the context of localization, it refers to the business activities related to marketing a product or service in multiple regional markets Internationalization: describes the “process of enabling a product at a technical level for localization“ (Lommel/Ray 2007: 17) so that it can be easily adapted for a specific market after the engineering