The Importance Of Language Policy

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Language Policy

Language Policy contributes to the growth of the field by publishing high-quality studies that help build a sound theoretical understanding of the subject area. It presents papers that deal with the widest range of cases, situations and regions. Many countries have a language policy designed to encourage or discourage the use of a particular language or set of languages. Although nations historically have used language policies most often to promote one official language at the expense of others, many countries now have policies designed to protect and promote regional and ethnic languages whose viability is threatened. Indeed, whilst the existence of linguistic minorities within their jurisdiction has often been considered to be a potential threat to internal cohesion, States also understand that providing language rights to minorities may be more in their long term interest, as a means of gaining citizens’ trust in the central government.
Definitin of the Language Policy
Language Policy is what a government does either officially through legislation, court decisions or policy to determine how languages are used, cultivate language skills needed to meet national priorities or to establish the rights of individuals or groups to use and maintain languages. The scope of language policy varies in practice from State to State. This may be explained by the fact that language policy is often based on contingent historical reasons. Likewise, States also differ