The Importance Of Leadership In Nursing Practice

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In making a journey through history, NL has transited from a domestic to a professional stage, where care is based on experience and knowledge and is moving towards gradual technification of care. Finally, nursing care is now a professional activity, which has passed from a seat of ignorance & lack of professional identity due to a lack of a body of knowledge of nursing, to a profession whose center of study is care, act of exclusive responsibility of the nurse.
Nursing Practice today is dependent on specialized knowledge of care, and concepts of autonomy and leadership in the discipline that are valued today. In this way, nursing, due to its philosophical and historical conception, establishes itself in an internationally recognized position, distinguishing it as an autonomous profession in interdisciplinary work and leader in the delivery of care to individuals, families and communities (Malvarez S, 2005).
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It is recognized that in the training on NL’s the preparation for leadership is a critical element, in addition to being an important priority for nursing in general. The American Nurses Association(ANA) visualizes the complexity of the nurse 's managerial role given that they are currently being asked to execute leadership to build quality work environments, implement new models of care, and contribute to the development of a workforce which encourages healthy nursing and well-being. The efforts of organizations and individuals to foster and develop transformational and relational leadership are needed to improve nurses ' satisfaction, recruitment, retention, and healthy work environments. Leadership competences include personal mastery, interpersonal effectiveness, financial & HRM, & systems