The Importance Of Manipulation

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Manipulation is the act of controlling something or someone for one’s own benefit. In every society manipulation is viewed as something inhumane, because manipulative people can often be devious. Manipulators have victims in whom they tend to have control over; the victims they choose often are people who are nice, kind, easy to be controlled upon, in most words. But the real question that comes to mind is, “Why does the manipulator manipulate?” They manipulate in order to achieve something they cannot, in their hands, accomplish. A manipulator finds someone else to do their own deeds for them. As can be read, manipulation is an awful characteristic. There are many drives behind manipulators’ acts that answer the question. A manipulator does not take control over his/her opponents unless they fear of not doing things by themselves; the reason results to them being scared of failure. They aim for others to do their own work for them because if they failed, it would not be them feeling ashamed. For instance, a drug dealer hiring others to do his own work for him, just incase he might get caught doing the act. The previous explanation does not apply to all manipulators but maybe to some. Another answer would be that manipulators are people who love to feel power and control. The result would be them empowering and controlling others for their own satisfaction. An example would be a bully forcing a peer to do his/her homework for them or else they would physically