The Importance Of Mass Media On Politics

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Mass media plays an important role in affecting the political situation nowadays. Political scientists always try to study the impact of mass media on politics and on the society. Some political scientists argue that mass media should be only a tool of communication between people and government. This can be done by informing people about the recent news or recent political decisions taken by government and providing the people with many points of views without being biased to a single opinion. While others argue that mass media are often biased politically and they are a growing unaccountable power. One method that most of the mass media adopt is priming and framing the news which means to influence the public opinion about politics in an indirect way; by focusing on certain issues and ignore the others. A recent case that the mass media covered it from various positions and perspectives is the case of the Italian student Giulio Regeni who disappeared on January 25th, 2016. Regeni was found dead on Feb 3rd, 2016 with signs of torture on his body. This case is very sensitive because it is related to the strategic relations between Egypt and Italy. Priming of this case was not so obvious. However, if the reader read many articles from different news agencies, the reader can notice the difference in coverage and priming of the news. In this paper we will mainly focus upon the coverage of Aljazeera, BBC, Sky news, and Daily News Egypt. Aljazeera 's coverage differed from an