Student Motivation And Reward Study

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Generally, there are two important factors that make students want to study namely motivation and rewards. Motivation is required to study, and after they have that, they need something to be given to them once they study - which is what is called the reward. These two factors play a very important role in assisting students improve in the learning process.

Motivation is what energizes, guides, and nurtures behaviour. It helps students get going and directs them in one direction. Often, personal investment and behavioural, emotional, and cognitive participation in school activities reflects the motivation of students.(Maehr & Meyer, 2004; Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004; Reeve, 2006).

Motivation has its own positive results. It mainly …show more content…

Students are usually more inclined to begin tasks they are eager to do. Also, they are more likely to continue working on the tasks that they like until they’ve finished with them, even if they are interrupted or disturbed in the process of doing them. (Larson, 2000; Maehr, 1984; Wigfield, 1994). Motivation develops the time students take on any task since time is a very important factor that affects their education or their accomplishment (Brophy, 1988; Larson, 2000; Wigfield, 1994).

Motivation has an effect on cognitive processes. It influences what students listen to and how effectively it is processed (Eccles & Wigfield, 1985; Pintrich & Schunk, 2002; Pugh & Bergin, 2006). For example, often, learners who are motivated make a joined effort to study about classroom material, to read and understand it well, and think of how they could utilize it in their …show more content…

The more the learners are motivated to do well in their academics, the more they would be proud of a very good grade and upset by very low grade. The more the students want to be admired by students, the more they will appreciate their membership in the most popular groups in their class and be perturbed by the taunting of their classmates. To a girl who does not like dance, getting in or not getting into the school dance troupe is not a very big deal. But to a girl who loves dance and her life revolves around it, getting in or not getting into the troupe is of very high importance.

Motivation is further divided into two categories. They are known as Extrinsic Motivation and Intrinsic Motivation. Extrinsic motivation is made up of unpredictable rewards. Intrinsic motivation is the desire of each person to perform a particular task for their own sake.

Not all types of motivation have the exact same results on human performance or learning. For example, two students A and B are doing an advanced high school mathematics