The Importance Of Oral Education

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solution to problems. With this, people should be able to acquire a good knowledge of how to maintain their oral hygiene.
Today in all western and most developing countries, oral diseases are accepted as part of the established pattern of life which is wrong. Our ancestors suffered a much lower level of oral disease but we all become consumers of refined food (carbohydrates) rather than naturally occurring food. The fact that, these changes in our eating dietary pattern has resulted in poor oral condition and consequently oral diseases. The need for oral health education becomes necessary at this stage of life in order to maintain and promote individual oral health. Oral health education could be defined as the act of mobilizing, encouraging influencing and arousing the interest of people in order to make them to be actively involved in preventing the incidence of Oral health diseases.
Lucas (2003) sees oral health awareness as an undertaking which is influenced by education. He emphasized that oral health awareness is all about changing people attitude, knowledge and habits to help the delete in the most effective way in their environment.
This research is aimed at the importance of oral health education in oral health care services of adolescent (teenagers) in secondary school through effective oral health education. Because if the oral health of an individual is maintained right from child hood, the occurrence of some oral diseases, deformities and caries which are the

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