Essay On How To Play Band Instruments

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Do you want to learn how to play a band instrument but find it hard to get private lessons.
Do you come to school wishing you could have a community where you and your instrument could make music with others and their instruments? Are you asking yourself why this is so hard? The problem here doesn't have anything to do with you. The problem here is that our school doesn't have a band, the problem here is that city academy believes that they are too small to have a band and they are wrong. City Academy needs a band and here's why.
Band brings people together
Band gives people the opportunity to learn an instrument
A Small band could be used to assist the pep squad at games learning music is Just as important as learning core curriculum Band …show more content…

Let's say that you want to learn a musical instrument but piano and guitar sound boring then try a band instrument. Not only are band instruments fun to play, a high school band has a variety of instruments to choose from.

A small band could be used to assist the pep squad at games. Have you ever been to a sports event which had a band? A band at sports games usually makes things exponentially cooler. It doesn't need to be a marching band, it could be a pep band that plays something when you score. In terms of transportation just take the band kids and instruments on the …show more content…

While this may be true if you want to buy them all at once, most likely this is not the case. There may be some students that already have an instrument. Buy a few instruments first and rent them out to students that can't afford an instrument. Then after you've made enough money off of that then buy more. You also may be thinking “how can we fit this into our schedule?” Band doesn't have to be during school. Often in elementary schools, band takes place before or after school because the schedule isn't divided into class periods. If that doesn't, work we can always fit it in with ninth period. Band doesn’t have to be over thought, all you need are stands, instruments, music, a conductor,and people willing to