Teaching And Learning In Schools

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In schools throughout the world, there is a need to improve teaching and learning of students because a high-quality and equitable education is recognized as a key to the success of people and society (OECD, 2012; OECD, 2015). It is acknowledged that traditional operating model of schools is incapable of dealing with demands of knowledge based society (Sahlberg, 2011; Barath, 2013), and thus the teaching profession is challenged (OECD, 2005). In order to provide students with opportunities to learn competences needed in contemporary and in future societies, schools have to change their operating models. One effective strategy for improving teaching and learning has been developing schools as professional learning communities (DuFour & Mattos, …show more content…

Professional learning community, as an object of a research, is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon and the literature shows a variety of approaches. These approaches include literature (Stoll, Bolam, McMahon, Wallace & Thomas, 2006) and study reviews (Hord, 1997; Vescio, Ross & Adams, 2007), concept building (Sleegers, Brok, Verbiest, Moolenaar & Daly, 2013), studying factors that promote progression as PLCs (Richmond & Manokore, 2010; Leclerc, Moreau, Dumouchel & Sallafranque-st Louis, 2012), assessing professional learning communities (Hord, Meehan, Orletsky & Sattes, 1999; Hipp & Huffman, 2003; Stoll, Bolan & Greenwood, 2007; Williams, Brien, Prague & Sullivan, 2008; Leclerc, Moreau & Lepine, 2009) and learning outcomes (Sigurðardóttir, 2010). The core purpose of PLC is to enhance teacher effectiveness as professionals (Stoll, Bolam, McMahon, Wallace & Thomas, 2006), ensure student learning, not simply ensuring that students are taught (DuFour, 2004). Participation …show more content…

As Sigurðardóttir (2010, p. 398) states, it is impossible to say exactly when a school begins its journey towards a professional learning community and when this development improves learning outcomes. According to Fullan (2000) some schools move along in their efforts at a steady pace, while others stall and proceed without re-culturing. Leclerc et al. (2012) concluded that certain circumstances supported to facilitate the progression of a school as a PLC. Additionally, some factors influenced the progression of a school as a PLC regardless of the stage like making time for meetings, ensuring support for teachers and a follow-up to the collaborative meetings, and recognizing success by encouraging staff and involvement of teachers in decision making (Leclerc et al.