Professional Social Work Scholarship Essay

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Attending public school in Detroit, Michigan during the decline of the school system was an impact but not an excuse. I was one of the thousands of students affected by the school budget deficit. While in college, I struggled in mathematics, more specifically statistics and research. After graduating high school, I was determined to become a college graduate. During my educational career, I juggled to be a supportive military spouse and raise my family. After completing my undergraduate, I took time to raise my family. Now that my children are in school full time and I am passionate than ever before to become a successful professional graduate.
I completed statistics, and the writing portion of research statistics. It is because of determination …show more content…

I believe that people with disabilities are unique individuals; yet, like everyone else, they have a basic human need and social need that must be met. The history of educational treatment of individuals with individuals with intellectual disabilities has changed according to the prevailing philosophy of society. The views of individuals has shifted from compassion to pity isolation to integration and from an intellectual developmental focus to society are to help them achieve functional living skills necessary to participate to the greatest extent possible as independent members of society. A professional social work degree will allow me to become a specialized advocate so that I can help clients utilize resources that would improve their well-being. A professional social work degree will instruct me to serve the needs of clients by allowing me to understand the needs of clients and preferences. I will learn how to anticipate individuals needs and apply ways that consistently seek ways to enhance services. I will be able to think critically, to obtain family feedback and youth feedback to provide quality services to better family quality of

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