Reading And Writing Skills Essay

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We all start out learning the building blocks of reading and writing in school, with the goal of all being at the same level by high school graduation, but for many of us this is not true. Many people face obstacles throughout their time of being in school. This was true in my case. My experience learning to read and write has been an up and down roller coaster since kindergarten. My reading and writing skills have developed from learning my ABC’s to being able to construct a full essay. Throughout time, I have developed many concepts that have helped to enhance and also hindered the development of my reading and writing skills including the influence of my mother, my teachers, and the desire to teach myself.
As a young child reading and writing …show more content…

For me, my freshman year of high school should have been a time that my writing skills really blossomed, but yet I found myself in a directly opposite position. I blame a lot of my struggles with my writing skills on my English teacher because she was not exactly helpful when you asked for guidance to make sure that you were on the right track. The majority of her assignments were given with a very foggy expectation. For example, one of our assignments was to write a 1,500-word paper over a book we had read as an outside class assignment, which as a freshman in high school, was a bit frightening because I had never written a paper of that length before. When I asked for help on how the paper should be constructed she would say “I have given you all examples”, but for me examples were not always enough. Without the one on one time that I needed to improve my writing skills, my grade reflected it. Even if my teacher could have done a general lesson with the class on how our paper should have been constructed, given an example, or even passed out and reviewed over a rubric it would have helped me out tremendously. Not to mention, after grading our essays she would not correct them and return them back to us. Therefore, I would not know what incorrect items in my paper needed to be corrected. This then lead to and unsteady feeling about my