The Importance Of Songwriting

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“You wind up creating from silence, like painting a picture on a blank canvas that could bring tears to somebody 's eyes. As songwriters, our blank canvas is silence. Then we write a song from an idea that can change somebody 's life. Songwriting is the closest thing to magic that we could ever experience. That 's why I love songwriting,” says writer Rodney Atkins (qtd. in “BrainyQuote”). So what is songwriting? Is it simply the free flow of words that drift onto a blank paper? Or the mind’s eye speaking from its heart, saying the things that ought to be spoken, but stay locked up inside? Songwriting is this and much more. However, since the character of songwriting cannot be explained in such few words, exploring the individual aspects that make up songwriting can help us gather a thorough idea. Such as knowing …show more content…

One thing that a songwriter should be aware of is that there are some skills needed in order to be a songwriter. An “admin” from has pointed out a few main tips. One, you should probably have some writing skills, this means being able to write lyrics that can communicate feelings, without being really lengthy. Second, have a broad vocabulary. So spend time writing and reading, as well as learning how to use words properly. Third, have good person skills, this means being a friendly person to work with. Fourth, know how to promote and market yourself to convey the image you want to convey. And finally, be flexible. A good thing to keep in mind is to realize that when starting out in this career, it may not be as profitable as you think. Therefore, having another source of income is a good idea (“Skills needed to be a songwriter”). You, currently being aware of the skills needed to be a songwriter, should promptly be familiarized with a songwriter’s salary.
One thing you should be versed in as a songwriter is how your earnings are made. Jason Blume clears this up. As a songwriter, except for the rarest exceptions, 100% of your income comes