Student Self Assessment Essay

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In recent years, self-assessment has received a lot of attention. Stiggins, Arter, Chappuis, and Chappuis (2007) define self-assessment as the process during which students identify their own strengths and areas for improvement and set goals for future learning. Self-assessment is a type of assessment for learning, thought to lead to effective learning (Boud, 2005; Stiggins et al., 2007). Effective learning involves learners being able to judge their own performance and monitor what is known, what remains to be known, and what is needed to bridge the gap between the two (Boud, 2005). Student self-assessment can increase the use of self-regulated learning strategies (i.e., set objectives, evaluate progress to their objectives, and improve the …show more content…

Some studies found a positive effect of self-assessment on students’ mathematical achievement (Clift, 2015; Yu, 2013; Ross, Hogaboam-Gray & Rolheiser, 2002; Brookhart, et al., 2004) while other studies found that student self-assessment did not produce any effects on students’ achievement of mathematics (Warner, Chen & Andrade, 2012; Labuhn, Zimmerman & Hasselhorn, 2010; Hotard, 2010). Therefore, there is still a need for more evidence on the effect of student self-assessment on students’ mathematics achievement and conditions lead to positive effects. On the other hand, research on the effect of student self-assessment on students with different academic achievement (e.g., poor, medium, above average) reported contradictory results. Some studies reported larger learning gains through student self-assessment for low mathematics achieving students (Ross, Rolheiser & Hogaboam-Gray, 1999; Sadler & Good, 2006), while other studies found that average mathematics achieving students benefit the most (Boud, Lawson & Thompson, 2013; Yu, 2013). So, there is still a need for more evidence on the effect of self-assessment on different