Applicability Of Tattoo

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Is it permissible to get a tattoo?
Tattoos are more popular than ever. It seems as if every second person has a tattoo of some sort. Entertainers, professional athletes, Barbie dolls, and even some priests have them. In view of such a proliferation of tattoos and the rising interest in them, what does the Church teach about the practice?

In short, there is no clear teaching by the Church prohibiting tattoos. Opinions vary. Some say that marking your body in this way is wrong, while others say that it is a legitimate form of self-expression. So who is right? Is there an objective answer to this question?

Many people turn to the Old Testament, specifically Leviticus 19:28, and state that God clearly prohibits them. This is because the word …show more content…

Since the coming of Christ, the ceremonial and judicial laws no longer apply, but the moral laws do. The prohibition of same-sex relations in Lev 18:22, for example, is a part of the moral law and still applies, but Lev 19:26–27, which states that it is not permissible to trim one’s beard or eat meat with the blood still in it, is part of the ceremonial law. There are many laws like this that are no longer applicable to Christians, and thus it is a mistake to quote Lev 19:28 out of its context and use it to justify a condemnation of …show more content…

One is the motivation behind the desire for a tattoo. While self-expression is permissible to a certain extent, is the desire for a tattoo to glorify God or is it to glorify oneself? Is it a rash decision induced by peer pressure or alcohol, or is it something deeply meaningful that has taken much prayer, thought, and consideration? What of the placement of the tattoo? Is it in a highly visible area on the body such as the face or neck, which are perhaps not the wisest places to have a tattoo, or is it in area that could lead other people to objectify you and turn their thoughts away from the Lord? What of the type of tattoo—is it an image or writing worthy of the temple of the Holy Spirit or is it mere graffiti containing obscenities or even blasphemies?

Opinions will be strong on both sides of this debate but we must careful not to make this an issue of fidelity to Catholic teaching because there is no magisterial teaching on the subject. It is possible for Catholics to disagree on this issue in good faith. As with all things, the virtues of temperance, charity, and prudence