Teen Suicide Speech

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Teen suicide is a very common in the world today. Teens think the only way to cope and relieve pain they have to commit suicide. They feel like they cannot talk to anyone because the person wouldn’t understand what the teen is going through at the time. This information is a way to learn the warning signs and to help the teens before they go as far as to commit suicide.
People should always look for the warning signs in a teen. Prokop says, “Increasing the use of alcohol and other drugs” (1). If someone notices a teen doing this, they should seek help immediately. The teen probably thinks that increasing these things will make them forget everything that is going on in their lives or make them them forget for the time being. Increasing drugs …show more content…

Prokop says, “Talking about wanting to die” (1) is one of the warning signs of teen suicide. When teens say they want someone to care and take notice of they are telling the person. They want to see if anyone would care if they actually were to die because some may feel like they have …show more content…

When a teen talks and someone listens to what they have to say that can a save a life that day because they will think someone cares enough about them. Prokop says, “Teen often talk about feeling depressed or hopeless” (1). When someone notices the teen feeling this way they should work on their relationship with them or try to help them with whatever is bothering them. Anyone should check on the teen and maybe spend time with them even if it’s not long. When a person spends time with the teen they will feel like they have a friend. When someone shows they care, maybe the teen might not be depressed anymore or feel the need to be. The teen would be happy again and never feel the need to be depressed or hopeless. Prokop says, “Hinting at not being around in the future or saying goodbye” (1) is one of the major teen suicide signs. When you notice at teen saying

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