The Importance Of The DREAM Act

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America needs DREAMers What would you think of one piece of legislation that would improve the US standing in the global economy, would help with the economic growth internally in the US, improves the military readiness of the nation and will help in the fight against terrorism and improve homeland security? Such a piece of legislation exists and is called the DREAM act. Passing the DREAM act into law is for the best interest of the country on several levels, of which I will explore a few of. In 2001, the DREAM act was first conceived and somewhat forgotten due to the terrorist attacks of September 11th. It was reintroduced to Congress in 2009; its purpose is to fast track the possibility of US citizenship for those brought to this country …show more content…

Army base in Kuwait where he is currently deployed. When asked about the dream, act he says "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" That 's the meaning of the DREAM act. It 's in our constitution. Very clear. America means this to many of us. That 's why we are unique in this world”. (Avellaneda) Born in Bogota Colombia, Major Ladino’s citizenship was fast tracked not through the DREAM act but with the military’s MAVNI program, which is very similar to DREAM. His US citizenship, which would have normally taken 10 years, able to be achieved in months due to his active duty status with the US Army. Nevertheless, Major Ladino makes one thing very clear: “joining the US Army reserve wasn’t just about becoming a citizen, it was about giving back to those protecting our freedoms.” (Avellaneda) Major Ladino serves as internal medicine doctor for the US army, and as a civilian, he is an Internal Medicine, Nephrologist, and Transplant Nephrologist for the VA Medical Center in Miami, Florida. The DREAM act will increase those who join for military service, which then will increase the homeland security safety in the face of possible terrorism, as well country’s military preparedness on a