Social Media And Communication Essay

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ABSTRACT Writing is one of fundamental skill in English that students should master in English learning language. With writing, student can express their self in written form. One of significant problem that teacher face today in teaching learning activity is how to enhance students’ writing ability and how to make them interest to write. Nowadays, there are many online media that can be use to help students in practice writing skill, which are blog, facebook, instagram, and so on. One of the effective ways is blogging. Blog can be use as medium to improve students’ writing. Students’ can practice their writing skill on their …show more content…

Writing is kind of productive skill in teaching learning process because students try to deliver what they have acquired from receptive skill, which are listening and reading. After that, they produce a message through written form that they want others to understand. Writing is important aspect to make students easily to communicate with other people (Apriliyani, 2014). With writing, communication happens in written form not in oral form. When we deliver something, we can deliver it in indirect way, which is …show more content…

Social media become a drug for them. In social media, people can express themselves by creating and sharing information on virtual world. On social media, people can express and write anything that they want, but they should pay attention to the elements of writing if they want to make a good writing result. Media comes from the word ‘Medium’ that means something to deliver the message from sender to the receiver. ( Social media have a big impact for students, it can be used to communicate with other people, get new information from worldwide, open an online business, get material for their education, improve their language skill, and so on. One study reported that over 27% of young adults used a social networking site every day in 2009 (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr, 2010). Types of Social Media Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) divided social media become four different types, which are social networking sites, blogs, collaborative projects, and content communities. a. Collaborative