The Important Statements: Does It Really Important To Be Successful?

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The Important Statements
Carter Brokaw, Chief Revenue Officer, Slacker Radio said “Companies have to shift away from just saying they great to actually being great”. This statement is true as when watching the entire documentary its seen that businesses used to mostly advertise how great they are, and why they better than the competitor. But they were never actually great, saying they great and not following that up by actually proving, and being great.
During the film it is seen that businesses need to start becoming more transparent, and by doing this they will be forced to sell better products, keep the environment healthy and sustained as well as look after society by contributing to society where possible. This will be a way for the business …show more content…

The quote by Carter Brokaw mentions how businesses need to actually start being great. This is where the public needs to come in, in order to protect themselves by forcing businesses to do great. Stopping false advertising from these businesses and force businesses to give products that are great and be great.
Kevin Plank, Founder and CEO of Under Armour said “The definition of advertising has certainly changed and evolved. It’s not built by those who spend the most money when, it’s about those who have the best product, those about driving and dictating with a point of view. The best merchants are the ones who dictate the future, not the ones who are trying to predict the future. So we are now pushing our mills, our suppliers on, we need more renewable fibres and fabrics from them, because our consumers are interested in this”
I agree with this statement. In life no one cares who predicted the future it is about who got there and created the future. Companies like under armour understand how advertising works. They realise that sometimes the product just needs to be better without continually saying its

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