The Impression Of Maybelle Watts

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Based in what Pete reveals to us about Maybelle Watts, is our impression about her positive or negative, what words/phrases help to create this impression? Maybelle gives readers a negative first impression even though she decided to hang out with suck a unpopular teen like Pete. She uses Pete when she “copied my (Pete’s) homework”-pg 57 in “Sucker” She soon finds Pete is no longer useful to her, so she left him for a “fellow on the football team”-pg 60 in “Sucker” 5. “If I could have seen ahead, maybe I could have acted different.” The “maybe” is an interesting word in the sentence. a) How and why Pete would have acted differently? b) Why does he suggest he might have acted the same way? c) Is Sucker the reason Pete’s life seems to be coming