Essay On Animosity In China

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Every individual will naturally be introduced to a specific cultural environment where they builds up a particular thought of what 'normal ' in their life is. The people around a person as they grow up will shape that person impression or perception of what individuals should look like and how their life ought to carry on. Ethnocentrism is the thought that individuals own organization, culture, or nation know best what or how to get things done. In other words, a group of people 's belief and perception that their own social group is better and superior than others.
It can be said that China have a high ethnocentrism due to their way of living such as their living place. As China was the greatest and most grounded nation in its locale, joined …show more content…

There are three main country that can be seen the animosity by China such as Japan, South Korea and also Unites States of America (USA). These three country have high animosity from China because of their history together where they do not get along.
The animosity towards Japan nation is because of World War II atrocities and 1st Sino-Chinese War Humiliation where it is said that Japan had killed almost six millions of Chinese people in World War II and when Japan defeated China militarily, the humiliation was felt across the nation in the 1st Sino-Chinese War Humiliation. It is also said that the animosity between this two nations is much older as their deeper animosity goes back into the misuse of their troubled, shared history.
For South Korea, they are said to "trying to take Chinese history” by claiming things that are Chinese are Korean. Their animosity is often due to some similarities in their culture that makes it easier for them to have any sort of misunderstanding with each other. It is also said that Korean nationalists also try to steal or take Japan history too maybe because they also have similarities with the