The Influence Of The Renaissance Style In Milan

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The Renaissance was a period of cultural rebirth in which western society revitalized its interest in classical ideals and expression. This period of rediscovery had origins in the late 13th Century and continued through the 17th century with the peak or “High Renaissance” occurring during the time of Michelangelo around 1500. The Renaissance brought several key characteristics of western cannon back to the forefront of society including an appreciation for the human form and human expression not utilized in the more stoic middle ages. This period also introduced the development of linear perspective, which in conjunction with proper scaling and ratios, allowed new immersive visuals for art pieces. While the effects of the Renaissance were first felt in its birthplace of Florence, these ideas were not contained in one city for long. The Renaissance was felt all across Italy, and particularly in the city of Milan. Through various pieces of sculpture, architecture, and paintings, it is possible to recognize the spread of the Renaissance style in Milan and identify the influence of traditional Florentine pieces on Milanese Renaissance creations as well as investigate the factors that cause them to differ. One of the most recognizable monuments of Milan is the Milano Cathedral. The enormous church began construction in 1386 under the orders of Duke Giangaleazzo Visconti following his consolidation of land and power in the region. Under Visconti’s orders, the church was