The spatial distribution of snow cover can vary within a few meters and from winter to winter. Different precipitation patterns, redistribution by wind and solar radiation strongly control snow cover. The seasonal snow cover in alpine terrain accumulates and stores a large amount of water and has a major influence on the release and availability of water throughout the year. The water stored in snow is essential for hydro-power \citep{schaefli_climate_2007}, water supply and recreational activities \citep{koenig_impacts_1997}. Additionally, the development of flora and fauna in the alpine and lower elevated areas is influenced by the snow cover \citep{wipf_winter_2009} and the formation of avalanches is substantially influenced by the spatial and temporal distribution of the snow cover \citep{schweizer_snow_2003}. …show more content…
Simulations can be used to understand hydrological processes \citep{comola_scale-dependent_2015}, for fore- and now-casting (\cite{bellaire_forcing_2011}; \cite{lehning_snowpack_1999}) or the assessment of climate change \citep{bavay_simulations_2009}. The spatially distributed, physics based model Alpine3D is suitable for such simulations in steep, alpine terrain \citep{lehning_alpine3d:_2006}. It accounts for the most relevant processes leading to snow accumulation, ablation, metamorphosis and the energy exchanges with soil, vegetation and the