Importance Of Internet Censorship

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L. Neil Smith, author and political activist, argues, ‚ÄúThe only hope we have is the internet. We must strive to keep it free.‚Äù As Smith explains, humanity must understand the importance of the internet and how society must continue to fight for the right of internet freedom against those who wish to take away those liberties. Dating back from the early 1990‚Äôs, the internet‚Äôs relevance towards our civilization skyrockets each day. From the creation of news articles, online shopping, information access, education lessons, and social networking, the internet is certainly an important aspect of the modern world. Because of the internet expressing the rights of the first amendment of freedom of speech and freedom of press, the government has no extent nor duty to …show more content…

Since the invention of media broadcasting, television plays a valuable part of American culture because of the amount of television shows, movies, and commercials that are introduced to our society daily, regardless of the content they produce. With famous blockbusters such as Titanic, Star Wars, Forrest Gump, and even Jurassic Park, each embarked upon our world with new ideas and lessons to be learned. However, many movies and television shows embrace controversial ideas that should be supervised by the government, yet the government turns a blind eye. In the year 2017, Netflix, an American entertainment company, released the television show 13 Reasons Why, based on the novel by Jay Asher. 13 Reasons Why tells the story of Hannah Baker, a girl who commits suicide and uses thirteen tapes to explain the reasons for why she killed herself. Although the show received massive amounts of attention and positive critical reviews, the content within the show exposed topics of rape, suicide, gun violence, bullying, and the bertaing of homosexuality, issues that should be monitored towards children and teens.