
The Island Perception Vs Reality

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The Difference of Perception and Reality As the history of humans grows older, humans themselves continue to grow older through medications, organ transplants, and in the future possibly cloning. In the dystopian film The Island, clones are created in an underground old military bunker. Here they are cultured to believe the world has been contaminated and they have been saved from the contamination. They live their lives hopping to win the lottery, whose prize is to be sent to the island. In reality going to the island means being killed and having your organs used to save your sponsor in the real world, and this is what causes Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta to escape from the bunker. They go through tremendous amount of work to get …show more content…

Merrick creates a happy perception for the customers and the clones of his company to try and stop the truth from spilling out. The sponsors are never told that their insurance policy is a clone that will be killed when their organs are needed. Instead they simply believe that the company has a way of producing their organs without killing a human being. When Lincoln Six Echo tells his sponsor, Tom Lincoln, what is actually going on in Dr. Merrick’s company Tom does not believe him. He stills believe what Dr. Merrick told him and the other sponsors. Another common misperception is the contamination. The clones think Dr. Merrick and his workers have saved them, but in reality they are only told this so they are not curious of the outside world. Finally, all the clones are led to believe that there is a lottery system where the prize is being released to an island, but Dr. Merrick only makes up this perception as a way to secretly harvest the clone’s organs. Lincoln Six Echo discovers the truth by spying on winners of the lottery as they are getting killed, and relays this info to Jordan Two Delta. They both become perceptive to the truth. All of the people in the book are told different variations of the truth to try and stop the truth of the inhumane acts from being

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