The Kite Runner Book Vs Movie Essay

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The Kite Runner Essay

The film adaptation of the kite runner does diminish the complexity of the story presented in the novel. This essay will include the following topics: The difference in the plot and characters that are present in the novel and film.

The kite runner film is not an accurate representation of the novel in terms of the plot. The film does not include certain chapters which make the story what it is.
The chapters when Amir tries take Sohrab to his home in America but fails so they put Sohrab in an orphanage to get the certificates, which breaks his promise towards Sohrab resulting in Sohrab committing suicide, is not evident in the film. The long process of tying to get the certificates show how much Sohrab means to Amir but this does don’t come across in the film.
To quote Raymond Andrews from chapter 24 “your outrage notwithstanding, you still need to prove the parents …show more content…

The film does not include certain chapters which make the story engaging
The scene in the novel when Sohrab attempts to commit suicide and Amir has to take him to the hospital and Amir makes a promise to God that he will learn every word of the Koran if he can let Sohrab live. This scene is very emotional and the film does not include this at all. This relates to the previous paragraph by how Amir really care for Sohrab.
To quote Amir from chapter 25 “I bow to the west and kiss the ground and promise that I will do zakat, I will do namaz, I will fast during Ramadan and when Ramadan has passed I will go on fasting, I will commit to memory every last word of his holy book and I will set a pilgrimage to the sweltering city in the desert and bow before Ka’bah too. I will do all of this and I will think of him every day from this day on if he only grants me this one wish”.

The kite runner film is not an accurate representation of the the novel in terms of characters and character