The Kite Runner Essay

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A quote by Edmond Mbiaka states; “The only love you should desperately search for, is one that comes from you to you”. This is exactly the case in the novel The Kite Runner. In this book, the life of the main character Amir is explored. Amir searches for acceptance and love from others because his father does not give it to him. That lack of love results in him wronging his best friend Hassan. After Hassan is sent away Amir goes on a mission to repair the guilt built up over the years. Throughout the novel The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini presents the idea that tension between a parent and child causes internal issues. The conflict between Amir and his father Baba in Amir’s childhood results in resentment, insecurity, and selfishness shown …show more content…

Amir resents baba for what he thinks is baba favoring Hassan over him. Throughout Hassan’s time in Baba’s house, Amir felt as if Hassan is given special treatment over him. A clear example of this is when Amir asks Baba if Hassan can leave their house. During this conversation, Baba responds with, “He’s staying right here with us, where he belongs. This is his home and we’re his family. Don’t you ever ask me that question again!” (Hosseini 76). During this argument, Amir feels enraged. He is mad that Baba is saying Hassan must stay but he feels even more bitter that Baba is showing he cares more bout Hassan than how Amir himself is feeling. Amir resents his father after finding out that Hassan is his half-brother. After all the years of resenting both Baba and Hassan, Amir finds out that Hassan has been his half-brother all along. He recollects all his past years and thinks; “How could I have been so blind? The signs had been there for me to see all along; they came flying back at me now: Baba hiring Dr. Kumar to fix Hassan's harelip. Baba never missing Hassan's birthday” (191). He becomes angry that Baba has never shared this with him. This causes him to resent Baba even more because of this life alerting