The Kite Runner Research Paper

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Ethnical Problems in The Kite Runner In The Kite Runner, there are two major Afghan ethnical populations depicted the Hazara and the Pashtun. The Hazaras was normally put down and insulted by the Pashtun. The Hazara have been persecuted throughout history and in the late 1900’s, Pashtun King Amir Abdul Rahman Khan ordered the killing of all Shias in central Afghanistan, leaving tens of thousands of Hazaras dead. Hassan experiences daily bullying on the count that he is a Hazara. The Hazara have gained many more freedoms today. Even though they have gained more freedoms, they are still bullied and persecuted today. Pashtun is the main ethnical population and Afghanistan and has around 50 million Pashtuns living in Afghanistan today. Most of …show more content…

The Taliban is a group of Pashtuns, or Sunni Muslims. The Taliban seek to establish a puritanical caliphate that neither recognizes nor tolerates forms of Islam divergent from their own. The Taliban believed in complete control and scorned democracy. The Taliban used force to take control over a region. In the book, the Taliban greeted everyone like they were their friends, but then turned on them and then haunted them. The Taliban was in power in Afghanistan for about 12 years, expanding from 1989-2001. The Taliban was eventually overthrew by an American-backed invasion of Afghanistan shortly after Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda claimed responsibility on the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the United States. The Taliban is a harsh group of mostly Pashtun’s that would like to get rid of all the Hazara in …show more content…

The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in the high point of the Afghan war. The Soviets ruled in Afghanistan for about ten years, from 1979-1989. The Soviets invaded the country on December 24, 1979, sending 30,000 troops and dethroning the peoples-leader, Hafizullah Amin. The Soviets believed in absolute control by the government, limiting the rights and freedoms of the people. In the book, Baba and Amir are escaping Afghanistan. When they go to cross into Pakistan, Soviets have a check point to search the vehicle, and they and Baba get into a big argument and Baba almost gets shot. The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, after not being able to implement a sympathetic regime in Afghanistan. The final ethnic population in the book was American. Americans are made up of many different cultures. America is the home of Amir and Baba after escaping from Afghanistan. America becomes the home of Sohrab after Amir goes back to Afghanistan after about 20 years and adopts him. America is made up of many ethnic groups also. America is also more advanced than Afghanistan because Afghanistan’s wealthy people can only afford certain