The Ku Klux Klan Group Essay

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In Pulaski Tennessee December 24 1865, there was a group of six ex-confederate veterans convenes that wanted to form a ¨secret society¨ called the KKK. The group was originally called the Kuklos but they decided to add Klan and the KKK was born.. As time went on the group rapidly grew and spread across most of the southern states by 1870 ( staff). There were many forms of the KKK, their intentions were to reverse the rights of african Americans, Kill all the African Americans in the south. The KKK is the name of three important groups that focused on white supremacy and anti-immigration. It is an important part of American history. Each one of the groups used terrorism against groups or individuals that they opposed. The first movement …show more content…

The group used violence as one of their tactics to stop African Americans from progressing and becoming their own people. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK’s first grand wizard and in 1869 he tried to break up the group and his attempt was unsuccessful ( staff). He tried to break up the group because of the excessive violence. The KKK participated in many terrorist attacks. They turned to violence in 1870 to solve their problems ( They were disbanded in 1871 by law but a second group was formed in 1915 and a third group was formed during world war II. In 1963 they participated in 2 attacks (cnn). The first one was when They assassinated Medgar Evers an NAACP organizer. The second attack was when they bombed 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham Alabama. 4 girls were killed and the bombing helped President Johnson signed the Civil rights acts. The year after these two attacks they killed three civil rights workers. ( James Chaney Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were shot and killed in Meridian Mississippi. From 1990 to 2012 the Klan carried out third of the 593 documented attacks from the white supremacy