The Main Causes Of The Civil War

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The Civil War was a war in America in April 12, 1861 – May 13, 1865 and it was a very bloody war. It was a fight between the North and South because the South wanted to succeed and make a new country. Before the war the North and South had grown apart due to specialization and so the South farmed and the North used different ways to make money. The North or the “Union” as they were called were often merchants or different jobs, these jobs didn’t need slaves to support their economy. This lead people to think more clearly and see evils of slavery because the weren’t beneficial to them anymore. So more people in the North saw this as an evil thing and they started to want to abolish this. The South or Confederates were not as lenient to this idea, due to the fact that their whole economy is basically based in slavery. …show more content…

Lincoln becoming the President helped cause the war because since he was known to be against slavery the South assumed he would try to abolish it. So now the Confederates say they want to leave but the North did not like the idea of that. The Union had a major advantage due to its wealth and amount of soldiers, the war was very bloody. General Robert E. Lee fought for the South and with the limited resources tried his best but lost. The northern generals were not the greatest, including Grant and McClellan but due to their overwhelming resources and men they came home victorius. The slaves were set free through the Emancipation Proclamation and the slaves were free forever. The former slaves were given rights such as white people and the men could vote. They faced hard times and injustice but they were integrated into the society slowly but