Harriet Tubman Accomplishments

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The Civil War was a fight for freedom, it was a fight between the Union or the North, and the Confederacy or the South. Abraham Lincoln was president at the time of the North, he believed in freedom of the slaves. On the other hand Jefferson Davis the leader and President of the Confederacy, this led to the Civil War where the Union fought because they wanted to free the slaves held in the South for labor because Lincoln quotes “All men shall be created equal” and stood by that conquering the South and eventually winning. Change, Political leadership, and overall freedom were the three significant pieces that led to the success of the war. There were many advancements throughout and after the war, including medicine, weapons, and roles in society. Medicine was not knowledge at the time and often led soldiers to spread illness rather …show more content…

Freedom isn't an option because every time they tried to run they almost always got caught and beaten, they also weren't allowed to speak and had to keep working for lots of hours everyday non stop, their food was also very scarce.But one slave Harriet Tubman was a person of excellence. Harriet Tubman escaped the home she was held as a slave and from there she started helping other slaves escape and became the leader and worked in the underground railroad. She also worked in the military as a nurse and spy helping more than 700 slaves become free, some blacks worked in the war to help with fighting so that they could be free too. Some blacks were forced to work for the Confederacy and others helped the Union to help make slaves free, this helped the Union because they had more of the population to fight and therefore more were armed and more of the Confederacy died off. After the Union won the blacks were happy to be free and work and have jobs that they originally couldn’t