
The Main Protagonist In The Film Precious

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Music and film serve as instruments to bring awareness to social issues and movements that are affecting the communities in which we live in. Issues that impact groups, systems, cultures and overall humanity. Writers, producers and film makers take advantage of the vast amount of exposure the media provides which allows them to bring awareness to their audience about the behaviors of others. An example of this is the film Precious, a film adapted from the novel Push written by Sapphire. This paper will discuss the role of the protagonists in the film and discuss their challenges and strengths. The paper will also discuss class, race, gender, power and the community impact the characters and identify how this cinematic production relates to …show more content…

Clarice is called by her middle name, Precious, who resides in a multi-dwelling apartment building in Harlem, New York with her abusive chain-smoking Mother Mary Jones and special needs daughter Mongoloid. The role precious plays in her family is that of a provider, helper and domestic servant. Precious is responsible for cooking, cleaning, purchasing her mother’s cigarettes and many times sexually satisfying both of her parents. Precious, indirectly, provides her mother with financial assistance as her mother receives welfare for Precious and Precious’ daughter mongoloid who is diagnosed with down syndrome. Precious’ daughter was conceived as a result of rape by Precious’ father Carl Jones. Since the age of three, Precious’ father raped her on a consistent basis. The Mother was aware of the incestuous acts committed by the father against Precious but failed at addressing the issue or reporting it. As the movie progresses Precious gives birth to her second child Abdul, who is fathered by Precious’ father as a result of yet another …show more content…

It is a strength noticed by school personnel and the guidance counselor who also noticed that Precious was expecting her second child. Due to her pregnancy Precious was discharged from school and transferred to an alternative school program. The alternative program, ‘Each one teach one’ was an avenue which gave help to children like precious and allowed Precious to receive services that assisted in transforming her life. The alternative program was a small school setting and she was in an all-female class with children from different communities who struggle with adversities such as prostitution, promiscuity and teenage parenting. However, despite some differences they found a common ground and grew to respect and care for each other and for the first time, Precious made friends. The teacher Ms. Rain encouraged the children to write in journals and upon reviewing Precious’ journal she became aware of the academic weakness in reading and writing that Precious had. Ms. Rain began to motivate Precious to academically challenge herself and improve her literacy. Precious improves her reading capabilities and does well on a test which then encouraged her to continue to excel and she earned awards for her academic success in the program. This was a positive light in her dim

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