The Maze Runner

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Taking Action As soon as I finished my planning my project I noticed to get all of this done on time that i’d better get to work.So I did, I started off by looking up pictures of mazes. When I did this alot of mazes poped up and they all seemed very difficult. I just wanted a simple, rather easy maze. Soon after a couple of hours I found a maze that was just what I was looking for. It was not that complecated to create eigther. When I found the maze, that same night I went in my garage and tried to draw the whole maze. I tried to rush through drawing the maze.I did not get to finish the whole maze that night, but the next day I did and I perfected it.When I finished drawing the maze in my garage I moved to the next most important thing which …show more content…

So for the next couple of weeks I was working on glueing the pieces of cardboard together. Glueing the cardboard pieces together was a little struggle because the glue gun had a short cord and the maze was big. Other than that I did not have any problems so I moved on to the next step was to create a base for the maze this was not challenging at all to me it was the glueing it back down part that was hard for me. It was difficult because I would glue one part down and when I would try to to glue the next part down it first part that was already glued would come up.Other than that I didn’t have any other issues. Once my maze was complete it was time to get my test subjects which were the mice.I went to the pet store and I first spoke with the cashier I asked her where the mice were located in the store.” she took me to the mice.When I was there I noticed that there were a lot of them in a single cage and that they all ate the same thing and slept in the same place. I also noticed that the mice were being fed to snakes. She also enlightened me to know “the best food that they had for the mice was in a bag.” but I declined she told me a few fun facts about the mice. I asked her a couple of questions after she put them into a box and