The Micron: A Narrative Fiction

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On September 13, 2015, the sound of Miss Cronogy’s hawk awakened Johnny Crozet to his first day at work. You see, Johnny was a mature teenage boy, so mature that he lives by himself and is able to drive. Suddenly, his phone rang. Curious who could be calling at such an hour, Johnny answered the phone. “Who is it?” Johnny said in a weary tone. “This is Carroll Oxenbury from the Venacer Government Investigation Association,” said the mysterious woman. “Oh, the government! Something bad happened…” thought Johnny. “Is something wrong?” Johnny said after an awkward pause. “Yes, the micron is gone.” “…Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I never thought that an professional detective would get his biggest case on the first day!” Johnny went crazy and ran in circles until he fell on his face. The micron was keeping Venacer, moon of Microbe in peace. Without it, the most peaceful moon …show more content…

Johnny and Carroll rushed into the kitchen. “What happened?” restated Johnny. “I forgot how to make sandwiches of all things!” cried S.J. “That… is weird,” replied Carroll. “What is your name?” “Carroll…” “Carroll! Please teach me to make good sandwiches!” “Ok…” Suddenly, Miss Cronogy’s hawk came in with a note. “Dear detectives, My hawk found this in the flower bushes. It is a paper that corresponds to current events. I hope it will be of use. From, Miss Cronogy” As Johnny read the letter, he noticed more writing came onto the paper. “Carroll!” exclaimed Johnny. “What?” “We need to go to my house… now!” “Why exactly?” “I figured out the answer!” As our heroes come home, I the feeling the beautiful chaos will come to an end. When, they got home, Johnny cleared the answ- “Stop right now!” yelled Johnny. What? “Yes, I am talking to you… Narrator!” Clearly, Johnny is going crazy! He is a complete madman. Johnny has started to talk to a wall. What a travesty! Johnny is losing his m- KLACK! “We have this from here,” said these lunatic cops who have locked up an innocent