The Murder Of Emma And Lizzie Borden

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The Borden family lived in a town called Fall River, Massachusetts. The people of the town had no reason to be suspicious of the family, because they were like every other family. They attended church regularly; Lizzie was even a Sunday school teacher at the family church. They were quite active the town’s community. Although they might have seemed like a normal loving family, but like every family they too had their skeletons in the closet. It seemed like there was always tension in the house between the family, which consisted of Andrew, Abby, Emma, and Lizzie Borden. Andrew Borden was the father of both Emma and Lizzie. Andrew came from a wealthy family, but as a young adult he did struggle, but soon enough he became a successful businessman. …show more content…

Borden’s body and once both bodies were found they began to search the house for evidence and take statements of the people that had been in the house that day. They were not able to find much, but they did head a hatchet in the basement. The only problem was the hatchet was clean of any blood and the handle had been broken off. After the police finished with the house, they began taking people in for questioning, to get a better understanding of what exactly happing that morning. Lizzie was taking in for the questioning for that morning, she was still shaking up form what happened, and questioning tactics back then were not sensitive to people that just experienced something traumatic. So the confused answers that she gave may not have been because she was guilty, but because she was in shock. Although police at the time were to aware of this so when she was not able to give a convincing story and her stories continued to change, Lizzie became the prime suspect in her parents murder. Due to the fact that she could not keep her story straight and her distressed state led to her arrest. Two days after she was questioned about the murders, Police Chief Hilliard arrested Lizzie. The next day she pleaded “Not Guilty” to her charges and then was transported to a rail car to be taking to the jail in Taunton, which is eight miles from her hometown. There waited till her court