The Accused Lizzie Borden's Murder Of Her Grandmother

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The Accused Lizzie Borden Lizzie Andrew Borden is suspected for the murder of her father and stepmother. In my opinion, she DID kill them. The 32-year-old had a motive, which would likely be gaining her father’s inheritance of money and property. She felt was owed to her, since she was his daughter. Her father was divvying up property that was not going to his daughters, it would be going to his wife Lizzie Borden’s stepmother. In addition, Lizzie and her sister didn’t like their stepmother because they believed she only wanted to take their father’s money and their inheritance ("Lizzie Borden." Britannica School, Encyclopædia Britannica). They often referred to her as “Mrs.Borden”
With this strong motive, it would make sense for “Borden

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