What Was The Most Plausible Theory Of Lizzie Borden

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The most plausible theory is Lizzie Borden the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Borden who allegedly murdered them. To start with, Samantha M. Gavin, a full-time lecturer in Administration of Justice, describes her past relationship with both her father and stepmother,¨Lizzie's relationship with her father and stepmother was unstable¨(Borden, Lizzie 1860-1927). The morose and unstable relationship between Lizzie Borden, her Father, and her Stepmother possibly was the motive for the killings. After the police came, the bodies were found. In an interview with Lizzie Borden, they noticed it had been strange that she showed no signs of grief, and remarked a snarky comment when speaking about her stepmother (Mooney). The following day of the slaughter,