The Murder Of Jason Blossom Research Papers

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The murder of Jason Blossom. On July tenth Jason got murdered at Sweet Water River. He was found dead with a bullet in his head. The suspects are Madison Blossom, Macy Brown, Chris (Christopher) Grey, James Blossom and Gina Blossom.

First suspect, Madison Blossom . Madison is Jason’s sister. They were twins. The last time she was Jason was the day of his murder. Maddie dropped Jason of at Sweet Water. Her alibi is Macy. Macy went with Maddie to drop of Jason. The motive is Jason stole something from Madison. He stole a precious necklace from there great grandmother Catherine Blossom. She gave the necklace to her when she was ten years old.

Second suspect, Macy Brown. Macy has been Madison’s best friend since first grade. But her