The Myth Of Choice Rhetorical Analysis

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Food ads are all around us, on our phones, on billboards, on tv, and everywhere in between. They advertise the foods people have come to love. Maybe it's a Big Mac, or Whopper, it doesn't matter what is being advertised. They all do the same thing; they use techniques and tricks to get people to go there. This especially affects children. The fast food and ink food companies manipulate their psychology in ways that most people would never notice. In the short video, The Myth of Choice, they discuss how businesses use flashy colors, catchy slogans, and cartoon characters in their ads to make kids want to eat there. They use teams of people who know how a kid’s brain works, they help pick out the characters that children will like more and the colours that their eyes will be attracted to. What they do, works too. Its one of the reasons why a kid, or anyone really, is more likely to pick one of these fast food places over eating something healthy. …show more content…

They target kid’s biology, too. Just like how they have a team that knows what colours catch a kid’s eyes, or what characters kids like, they have a team that works to make their look and taste irresistible. According to the video, The Myth of Choice, they put large amounts of fat and sugar in their foods. Amounts that could never be found in natural foods, and since they are so hard to find in nature, people’s brains have evolved to get both fat and sugar whenever they can. Which means, a child would be more inclined to pick junk food, or food from a fast food restaurant over something healthier, with less sugar or fat in