The Negative Effects Of Hadassah Rosensaft

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How many of you have ever had to work for a boss that you don’t like? Now, how many of you have to work for a boss that hates your ethnicity or religion? That’s exactly what Hadassah Rosensaft had to do. At this point in time in Europe, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party had total control over Germany. As his territory expanded and he gained control across Europe anti-Semitic beliefs became more widespread. The Holocaust was a result of this because more and more people supported Hitler’s Final Solution to wipe out “undesirables” like Jews and make Germany an Aryan country. From 1933-1945 six million Jews, ⅔ of the Jewish population, had died in death camps, concentration camps, killing centers, and on the streets. Hadassah Rosensaft nee Bimko