The Negative Effects Of Multitasking On Men And Women

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Multitasking is attempting to complete two tasks simultaneously. Even though it is common for people to read and listen to music or drive and talk on the phone, multitasking is not an activity that should be done. Doing multiple tasks simultaneously works the brain harder than normal, which can fatigue the body’s brain and then get less work done. Multitasking is also not very time effective. Both men and women struggle with the activity, but women can handle switching between multiple tasks better than men. Although multitasking appears to get more work done at once, it is in fact less productive in a school or work setting. Multitasking has more of a negative effect on males than females and has a negative effect on the brain which can make life harder in school and on the job. Multitasking works the brain harder than normal, which can fatigue the body’s brain and get less work done. Studies found that, “When we look at brain-imaging studies of people who multitask, their frontal lobes require a lot of additional blood flow. That explains why you feel ’brain-dead’ when you have been slogging it out. Your brain is depleted” (Tyler). One of the reasons why multitasking is not effective is because of the tiring effects which it has on the brain. When constantly pushing the brain too hard, it causes fatigue and therefore will cause less productiveness. After reviewing a group of people, Bradberry reports that 90% of high multitaskers had a less density in the anterior